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Stress/Sleep Combo

Stress/Sleep Combo

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R 772.00
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R 772.00
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R 858.00
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Three great products to enhance sleep.

Ashwagandha  A powerful Ayurvedic herb that has been used for thousands of years by people in India.  It is known as an adaptogen - helps your body achieve balance in order for it to cope better with stress and anxiety.

Magnesium glycinate  An amino acid chelated form of Magnesium that is well absorbed by the body.  This form of magnesium will promote a feeling of calm, reduce anxiety and promote better sleep.

CBD CALM Drops 600mg, A broad spectrum CBD oil with a world leading terpene combination.  CBD is derived from the Cannabis plant and has been shown to aid sleep and reduce anxiety without the psychoactive effects of THC.  


Take 1 capsule Ashwagandha and 1 capsule Magnesium twice a day.  The second dose should be taken 1 hour before bedtime. The capsules should be taken every day for at least a month.  While the benefits of Magnesium will show immediately, the Ashwagandha will take at least two weeks to be effective.

Take 1ml  CBD CALM drops 30 minutes before sleep or during the night.  A half pipette is 0.5ml.  To have an optimal effect this should be taken each night for at least two weeks.